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February 14, 2025 | Friday

8:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Stupid Cupid Valentine’s Day Buffet & Mingle

Stupid Cupid Valentine’s Day Buffet & Mingle
Single for Valentine’s Day? Sick of sitting alone while all your coupled friends enjoy their dinner dates? They’ve got a solution! Come down to The Hen for their STUPID CUPID Valentine’s Day Event! From 7-9pm they will be providing a dinner buffet brought to you by Jilly Jeans Comfort Cuisine which includes a dessert!
They will have their beloved Ashley Boyce rocking the house with all your favorite angsty love/heartbreak songs from 8-11pm, and Valentine’s Day themed cocktail & shot specials all night long!
Don’t spend another V-Day sulking at home, come on down for a heart throbbing good time! And hey, maybe even meet someone special 😉
**BUFFET DINNER: $37 – RSVPS Are Recommended! Contact Crowning Hen on Facebook, By phone, or at the bar to reserve your ticket!***
Crowing Hen Saloon
4949 Golf Ave.

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